Balancing Work and Life: Strategies for Entrepreneurial Wellness

Woman overlooking mountain views

I’m writing this blog with a baby asleep on my chest so I’m writing this for myself as much as anyone.

I’m only 4 months into life as a mom, but wow. I am simultaneously 10x as productive as I was before and everything takes 10x longer than it did before.

The past few years of entrepreneurship have been difficult to say the least. It seems like for every up there is at least one down. So many things have been outside my control (health, bank loans, and more) that it’s hard to find any sense of balance.

I think that’s the ultimate entrepreneur balance - accepting and realizing there is no stasis. If you stop moving and adjusting you’ll fail.

If you’ve ever watched American Ninja Warrior or wipe out you’ll notice that the contestants who succeed find a balance between movement and control - too slow and you’ll fall and wipe out; too fast and you’ll wipe yourself out.

In life, as in business, the best strategy is often to keep moving. If you fail, keep going. If it doesn’t work, try again.

I’m nowhere near a mega successful entrepreneur, but what little success I’ve had has come because I refuse to accept defeat. Failure, yes. Defeat, no.

The other strategy I can recommend is to be comfortable working in the margins. I’ve worked on this business while waiting for surgery and I’m writing this post while my son sleeps on my chest. My time for hobbies is spent working on the business. My goal is to work hard now so that in 10 years I have the freedom to play more and spend time with my family while they’re young.

Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, but if you’re ok with failure, working odd hours, and have a stubborn refusal to quit you may just find the balance and life you’re looking for.


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