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The Surprising Success (and Failures) of Wholesale Accounts

This past week I was able to go to 9 different running, tennis, and pickleball stores in Charlotte and Atlanta. My goal was to set up at least 1 wholesale account for PHNX.

I initially started selling my shorts wholesale almost by accident. I walked into my local running store and asked if they wanted my shorts. To my surprise, they were interested! After that, I started going to other apparel stores and I actually landed an account that first day. I didn’t know what I was doing and tried to charge them sales tax. Lol.

All of this is to say, if you have a dream - just go for it. You may spend your Saturdays and evenings “working” but it’s worth it. You may make a fool of yourself and reveal how much you don’t know by charging sales tax, but who cares? Most people - especially business owners - are much nicer than you think. Every business owner has had to hustle in one way or another.

I think getting to know fellow entrepreneurs has been one of the most encouraging and fun parts of starting PHNX. There are few people who understand the pressure and exhilaration from putting yourself and your product into the world and being willing to face rejection over and over again. The anxiety from having a few slow months and not knowing if your business will survive. The determination required to do whatever it takes to survive.

So far, I haven’t landed any new accounts. I’m discouraged. When I first started Covid had caused supply issues and many stores just wanted any product they could sell. I had inventory in my car and would leave with an immediate sale. Things are different now, but I’m no less determined. It may be more work and I may face more rejection, but who cares? If rejection and time are my only enemies then I’m going to win.

On a similar note, if you have a local running store you love I’d love to connect with them. Send me an email taylor at phnxco dot com and we can connect.