Getting back in shape - the challenges of postpartum fitness

Pregnant woman wearing black workout shorts

After my son was born, I could not sit or rise from a seated position without extreme pain in my tailbone. I figured I bruised my tailbone during birth and decided to wait out the healing process. After 12 weeks with minimal improvement I was able to get a referral to a pelvic floor PT.

To say seeing a pelvic floor PT was game changing is an understatement. After the first session I had noticeable improvement. After 3 weeks my pain went from a 7 on a 1-10 scale to a 1. This blog isn’t about the necessity of a pelvic floor PT postpartum (though now I think I’ll write that post), but about what comes after PT-namely, exercise.

I’ve always loved working out. From the time I was little my mom would time me running laps around the house to cross country and travel soccer as a teen and to half marathons, CrossFit, and Spartan races as an adult. The last few years have been difficult health wise for me and I’ve not been able to workout like I once did. My fitness is at an all time low and it’s frustrating.

I’ve had to come back from injury or breaks before so I know how hard it will be, but nothing like this. I did a few exercises at PT yesterday and I’m embarrassed to say I’m a little sore today. It’s humbling, for sure.

All of this is to say, I’m committed to doing the work. One of the lessons you learn as an entrepreneur is sometimes you have to just keep moving - despite how you feel. Everyone starts as a beginner and that’s where I am fitness wise for the first time in a long time.

If you’re in a similar season know that you’re not alone. It’s hard, but it will be worth it and we can celebrate our improvements together.


The value of a pelvic floor PT postpartum


Balancing Motherhood and Business